Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Takin' Charge of Tuesday...

Well, I did start this blog to be accountable. To have somewhere I need to report how things are going. Today, well, they are going ok. I may get organized and take some food photos, though I am not sure I have it in me to be a food blogger? But will suffice it to say I have eaten well, though I have been mildly hungry all day, which is not so good.

The day consisted of:  Steel Cut oats with blueberries; chobani with granola, lunchtime Power Strength Class, followed by a Lean Cuisine, a small handful of nuts and part of a honey crisp. yum. the rest of the day, well, I am not quite sure but am contemplating options...between work, mtgs, kids activities, the night will go fast. I also plan to get a walk in.

I also decided I need to feel the panic and get on the freeway. I didnt NEED to go on the freeway today, it really wasn't my route back to work from the gym, but I did it anyway. one exit. could have gone more but then would have been even more out of the way.  I actually felt ok. no flutters. no weird stomach sensations. I wasnt dizzy or spacey. just got on like most people, drove 2 miles. got off.  My goal is to get out there, even if its a mile or 2, and I have to go a bit out of the way, 4 days a week or so at least. Its too easy to NOT do it. then its hard to go back.   then, when I have other places to go that require freeway, I will also incorporate that into my schedule. This Friday, for example, I am going to get my haircut, which is really easiest via freeway. So be it. The freeway we will go.

Mind Over Matter

I read a lot of blogs. They can be educational and entertaining. They are great when you are eating lunch at your desk, or bored, or looking for some bizarre tidbit like - how do you get gum off the dryer drum?  I have even had a blog before when I lived overseas, to keep the info flowing back home to friends and family. The intent here is a bit different. I am creating this blog to follow my journey of creating a healthy body and healthy mind. I want to hold myself accountable to activities, tasks and actions I want or need to take to improve my life.  I dont think I will share this with real life friends, as I am not sure I WANT them to know some of the things I struggle with on a daily basis, you know? sometimes better to leave them with an illusion, or maybe delusion!

While I am not in a serious fitness state, I sure could bump it up a notch. or 2. or 3? I could stand to lose ~10lbs. I can always add muscle. Well, its time to do it. Stop talking and just get er done!  I dont want to do Weight watchers, or HCG, or Zone, or Atkins et etc...I just want to make good choices, watch portions and get my exercise in. So boring. But it can work, and it has before.

I also have a deep dark fear, that I really can't divulge to people as it seems so stupid. Well, I am going to get past that deep dark fear and conquer that baby. There is no reason to live life in fear and I am just done. I suppose if I am going to work on it I will have to reveal it?? in writing? on this blog? to be seen by real people who will think I am an utter dork? aack! ok. I (whispering here...) have a fear of driving on freeways. big sigh. I said it. Is that not so dumb? Its ok to say yes causes I think it is , too. How silly is that? I am a safe driver and am quite  competent...been driving for years....um....25 to be exact. Now that is something to be afraid of too, saying I have been driving for 25 years?  But its true, I do have it. Sometimes its worse than others. Some days its A-ok. Other days, ugh, a nightmare of tension, not breathing, feeling funny and literally shaking afterwords. So, I am going to get past this. I may not forget or have some perfect recovery where I never have a fear again, but I am going to drive whenever and wherever I want or need to go. So there.

Sounds like I have a lot to tackle, huh? working on improving my body and mind. I can do it. A challenge has always been a good thing for me, so here I am. I will chronicle the things I am doing to support my lifechanges maybe if people like you are reading, you will have some ideas to share, as well. I can't do this alone, as much as I would love to.

See you soon, as I have lots of ideas to get on the table!